What Soldiers Need: Chow, Bullets, Mail?

By • Jul 30th, 2009 • Category: Combat Stress, In the Press, Passing the Time

Here’s an article from ABC News about what a soldier needs in the field. It’s written by someone stationed with troops in Afghanistan.

I agree with most of it – mail is super-important while you’re overseas. Chow was a little more difficult for me since I’m a vegetarian, but Katie and her mom sent me canned beans in care packages and that kept me going.
Bullets? Well, unfortunately, that’s necessary equipment for the job we’re asked to do.
Being in combat is an adreneline rush, but for me it was never a fun thing like the guys in the article make it sound. For me, it was like being really stressed out and high-strung all the time… but it does make real life seem kind of dull now that I’m home. Mostly just because overseas you wake up every morning and know what your purpose is for that day – your mission. Here, I feel a little bit aimless.

Anyway, here’s the article.
What A Soldier in Afghanistan Needs: Chow, Bullets, Mail

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is wondering about the next step. How do I translate the sense of purpose and direction I felt in the combat zone into meaning in my 'regular' life?
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